Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don’ts during pre-wedding talks

You need to be extremely careful when you convey your opinions. Never joke around this concept. Many commit blunders by playing around the act of sex. If it makes your fiancé uncomfortable you’ve lost big time! Never laugh about or make fun of her menstrual days. Be very serious and cautious…handle with care. Do not talk sex all the time or even most of the time. Make sure you don’t bore her with too much sex. During your talks if you come to know that she is having her menstrual cycle try to be nice and kind to her. Women tend to get irritated at these times and a tiny spark may ignite fury. Watch yourself and give in…there’s nothing wrong in losing a debate to your fiancé. Make sure you give her enough rest on those days. Don’t call her from a café and challenge her to be there in 10 mins or else you wouldn’t talk to her for the next one day!! These are stuff that immature kids do during their college days or that funny hero on the stupid romance movie. You don’t have to be either because you are neither…you are a responsible fiancé. Know your limits!

Listen as much as you can…there is no pleasure for a woman to have a listening husband. If there is a disagreement about a particular concept, halt then and there. Do not debate. Be wise to say “Oh is that what you think. Ok there’s time to talk more about it. Well how’s your wedding day make-up shaping up”? In this way you just kick started a great topic and what was supposed to be an argument would suddenly end up as an exciting new conversation. Be Mature!

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